Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gourds + Images from Fuji FinePix F30

I love the shapes and colors of this assortment of gourds.

(Sony DHC H2)

I bought a little Fuji FinePix F30 pocket camera because of its reputation for low noise at higher resolutions. I'm glad I got it - it hasn't disappointed me. I love it for black and white images. It, as well as the Sony H2, goes with me everywhere. I found a small camera bag that has space for both cameras, plus an outside compartment where I can carry personal items. Goodbye purse.

These images were taken on my desk with a 60 watt bulb on a shelf 2 feet away being the only available light. No flash was used.

(Fuji FinePix F30 - ISO 400)

(Fuji FinePix F30 - ISO 1600!)

The F30 is great for color images too. This one was taken under the same conditions as the last 2 images. I did boost the saturation in this image a little, although there is a setting in the camera that would have done the same thing when the picture was taken. (I use either Adobe Photoshop or Elements for image editing.)

(Fuji FinePix F30 - ISO 800)

"If there is a good thing about photography, it is that it can be easily enjoyed."
~ Snowdon ~


Anonymous said...

Now I am hungry! Great,wonderful pictures! You are so good....

Niki said...

Oh MY! These are FAB! You are just soooo good! I love coming here to look at your masterpieces!!!

Bon said...

Excellent pictures Janet! And I'm with you, goodbye purse! I haven't carried one in years. Of course it looks a bit wierd at 'social functions' but then...I'm the one that gets the pics!

Janet said...

A cashier asked me if that was a camera bag I was carrying. When I told her it was, she said she has seen a lot of women carrying them rather than purses these days. Maybe we will be in style at 'social' functions, after all! I carried my camera bag to a wedding recently. It matched my shoes! :-)

Bon said...

I did get a cool camera bag that has a 'window' on the bag that I can put my printed photo in. Of course, I rotate it often. It was actually a video camera bag, but I love it as it holds my Fuji Finepix 7000 which is admittedly kinda chunky. It also holds my cell phone, business cards, the connector for the camera to PC, money, know, purse stuff!

Town61 said...

I LOVE your pictures Janet!! I will check in often to get some inspiration!! Lynn :-)